Intelligent Automation with or without RPA – Four Seasons Hotel, Singapore – 2018

Conference Info:

Clariden Global’s Robotic Process & Intelligent Automation Forum 2018 was held over two days at the Four Seasons Hotel, Singapore. The Forum encompassed pertinent topics related to the adoption of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Intelligent Automation (IA) in organizations. Coveted speakers from diverse industry backgrounds gathered to discuss successful case studies. Day 1 of the event covered topics such as RPA and IA revolutionizing the digital space, challenges, pain points and learning lessons in RPA implementation, taking RPA to the next level, developing realistic targets, quick wins and roadmaps to enable successful RPA and IA implementation etc.

The next day was kicked off with a roundtable session titled “Justifying the ROI of RPA for Buy-in” moderated by TeBS. TeBS launched introduced an interactive an online, real-time RPA ROI Calculator for the delegates which garnered the interest of many.

Key Sponsors :  Total eBiz Solutions Pte Ltd (TeBS) .

Exhibitor : ROBOROY – your robot recruiter

Topic Summary:

RPA is just the beginning of your Intelligent Automation journey; Artificial Intelligence is an umbrella term for technologies like RPA and it also describes a computer’s ability to mimic human thinking. RPA is a rule-based software that has no intelligence and automates repetitive tasks the rule-based software evolved from screen scraping, workflow automation, and artificial intelligence allowing the software to aggregate data, trigger responses, and initiate new actions.

RPA is great for industries like insurance and banking that have a high-transaction rate of repetitive tasks, but that’s all it can do. Without any real intelligence but the instructed rules, it performs the tasks its intended to do efficiently and effectively and nothing more.

Here is where Artificial Intelligence comes into play. AI’s ability to aggregate, manage, and understand unstructured data is what sets it apart from RPA.

RPA and AI technology are both great tools to streamline Business Process Automation, but together they are a force to reckon with. When AI is integrated with RPA, it allows the automation process to begin much faster, creating an automation continuum.

A completely autonomous process would elicit a more cognitive response, transmitting it directly to the RPA system that would then complete the task. This automation continuum would result in even faster production.

The future of RPA and AI is glowing increasingly brighter, as more businesses continue to demand solutions that boost productivity and reduce cost. 

List of speakers:

  • Daniel Peled – GM APAC
  • Narsingh Chaudhary – Senior VP Siemens Pte Ltd
  • David Ashton – APAC Intelligent Automation Lead ,EY Singapore
  • Sandeep Bhalekar – Assistant VP, Bank of America
  • Richard French – Chief Revenue Officer , Kryon systems

Key Takeaways:

  1. Capitalizing on experts’ evaluations on RPA for organizations in domains such as Finance, Procurement, HR, Outsourcing, Automation, and Insurance
  2. Proven case studies and solutions on how to effectively scale robotics efficiently and embed automation into an organization’s business culture
  3. Exploring the potential and capabilities that RPA and IA can bring to organizations
  4. Preparation and customization of the RPA journey for businesses in the early adoption stage
  5. Understanding how a Centre of Excellence (CoE) could engage people and utilize change management for a highly effective automation program
  6. Up-to-date trends in RPA and IA and the potential in integrating RPA with AI
  7. Transformation of business processes and operations by leveraging on RPA and IA


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